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Paying with a credit card allows you to purchase items and services without having to use cash. When you use your credit card, your credit card issuer will pay the merchant on your behalf and bill you later in the form of a monthly statement.
Things I Should Know

Understanding the T&Cs and charges

Tips on minimising credit card charges

Tips on shopping for credit cards

How to avoid being trapped as a borrower

Preventing credit card fraud
What Else Can I Do?

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Check all documents needed
Make sure you fit the criteria
Submit your application
Credit assessment will be carried out by the card issuer
Understand the terms and conditions
Understand various charges involved
Receive your card via mail or from the bank counter
Receive your PIN in a few days later via mail
You may apply for a credit card from any card issuer by completing the application form or brochure. To apply you must be 21 years of age or older and earn a minimum income of RM24,000 per year. You need to submit the following documents to process your application:

A copy of your Identity Card (IC)
Job appointment letter, if applicable

Latest income tax statement (Form J)
Bank statements

Previous months pay slips
  From the application form/brochure, you will also read in the terms and conditions the significant liabilities and obligations applicable to the principal and supplementary cardholders and a list of common fees and charges applicable to the card. You should read and understand these terms before you apply for the credit card.
  Once you’ve submitted your application, the card issuer will need to carry out a credit assessment on you based on the information you’ve provided. The time taken to process your application varies from card issuer to card issuer. If your application is successful, you will receive your credit card through registered mail or be requested to collect the card at the card issuer’s head office or branch.
  When you receive your credit card and the related documents, remember to carefully read and understand all the terms and conditions specified as it is a binding document between you and the credit card issuer. It is also important to understand the various charges involved prior to using your credit card as this will help you minimise unnecessary charges imposed on you.
  You will be given a PIN separately from your credit card for security purposes. This PIN will allow you to make cash advances with your credit card at the ATMs.
When you’re looking to apply for a credit card, it is important to find one that best suits your needs. Shop wisely and don’t be forced to make quick decisions on getting a credit card. Read the fine print, compare rates and make sure you understand the terms and conditions attached to the promotional gifts or teaser rates offered by the credit card issuer before you make your decision.
